A Court of Wings and Ruin

Published on 17 August 2024 at 10:14

This, may be my favorite in the series, but the jury is still out on the decision. The action, the heists, the tension... it was the perfect balance of high stakes action and heartfelt quiet moments. As much content and world building was in the first two books, I feel like this book is where the world of ACOTAR really starts to come into full view. We learn about the Bone Carver, the lore of all the courts, and tons of backstory on our characters. So much happens in this book it's hard to condense all my thoughts on it into a single blog post, but I shall try my best.


Feyre is back baby, back to her full self and she brought DOWN the spring court like she had bills to pay. I originally wanted her to waltz back in to Tamlin's territory and immediately wreak havoc. But, her slow burn deception was much more rewarding in the end. The scheming and tearing apart of Tamlin's already crumbling empire was exactly the sort of revenge I needed to see. An honestly, Feyre did not have to do much other than expose to his people who he really is. I do feel slightly bad for him though, he never had anyone to show him how to run his court, so he was honestly set up for failure on that end. He is simply a victim of his surroundings. And I know I said that I vote for no redemption arch when it comes to Tamlin, but I would vote for him to get a little grace every once in a while. With that said, he desperately needed to be humbled, and Feyre did just that. And the fact that Lucien left with her makes it even more humbling, like your best friend even needs time away from you pal. 

The sisters!!! I have said it a million times, and I will say it again, I love the Archeron sisters. In this book, I feel that they truly represent different ways that people deal with trauma.  Nesta, deals with hers through anger and resentment. She is angry all the time and lashes out at the people trying to help her. Elaine, shuts down and enters a comatose because she cannot cope with this new life that has been thrust upon her against her will. And Feyre, sheds her old life like molting her skin and becomes something completely new, leaving her old self behind. Each of the sisters, while going through similar events, handles their emotions in different ways. I think that SJM does such a good job of displaying the three differently, but not glorifying one over the other. Even though at times Nesta can be villainized, I think that is necessary for the girls who have always felt villainized to see themselves within her. And then get to see her story of healing in Silver Flames, I think it is a very powerful choice, to portray the eldest daughter as she truly is, often villainized and rarely without burden. Elaine, and Nesta, and Feyre are all so different from each other, but SJM portrays each of them as realistic versions of femininity. 


OK everyone needs to sit down and listen, the scene where Az goes in to save Elaine from Hybern's camp... might genuinely be one of my favorite scenes in the series up to this point. My jaw was dropped, I could see the entire thing playing out in my mind. I was kicking my feet and giggling. That was the moment it was solidified for me, Az is my favorite bat boy. And that was the moment I knew I wanted them to be together, who literally cares about the mating bond with Lucien, I certainly don't.


Next on the roster of discussion, dare I say one of the most impactful moments of the entire war... I know what you're all thinking, not its not the King of Hybern being killed... it's Nesta and Cassian in each others arms as Cassian is dying. When I tell you I sobbed, I sobbed like I was actually there. I was losing my mind. "I have no regrets in my life but this. That we didn't not have time. That I did not have time with you Nesta. I will find you again in the next world, the next life, and we will have the time". LIKE are you actually kidding me, SJM that line, is perfection. I want it tattooed on my brain so it plays over and over again forever. 


SJM sets in place all these different overlapping dynamics between the inner circle, and now the sisters and Feyre, that truly make me believe they've known one another for thousands of years. There is such beautiful human affection between these magical beings, that sometimes I read one of SJM's lines and cry at how mundanely relatable it is to my life. I think that is my favorite thing about these books, I find so much of myself in a world that is so unlike my own.

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